This is a diplodocus, called Diplodocus Carnegii. It has 80 bones just in its tail !
This is a smilodon populator, or sabre-toothed cat. It's sometimes called a sabre-toothed tiger, but it's not actually a tiger. It has massive teeth but they're actually quite fragile, and they wouldn't be much use in a fight.
This display case was full of lions, hyenas, bears and other animals.
This is a
They had put its baculum or penis bone ! Some animals have them, and some don't. Humans don't.
This is a hyaena crocuta which is a laughing hyena. It has massive teeth and a massive saggital crest.
This is the biggest skull any type of land animal has ever had. It's easy to spot because it's a triceratops which means "three spikes".
This is a sarcosuchus imperator which is an early type of gharial, which is a type of crocodile.
This is a plesiosaurus which is a reptile which lives mostly in the sea but could come on land too. It was a carnivore.
This looks a bit like a Tyrannosaurus Rex but it's actually a allosaurus fragilis which means "different lizard". It doesn't look as scary as a T-rex, but it was a predator too.
This was the Tyrannosaurus Rex skull. Tyrannosaurus Rex means "tyrant lizard king".
This is a pareiasaurus, which is a reptile which walked on huge fat legs.
This is a close up of its really strange skull.
This one is similar to a rhino too. It's called rhinoceros tichorhinus and you can see its horn in the glass case.
Here's another dinosaur that was like a crocodile. It was called steneosaurus heberti.
This is halitherium schinzii which is also called a sea cow. I didn't know it at the time, but if you look hard enough you can see the remains of back legs for when it used to walk, not swim. (A bit like how humans have tiny tails from when they used to be monkeys.)
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