↑ Mum, dad, my baby brother and me were walking back from the goose lakes a few weeks ago when dad spotted this duck. It kept disappearing below the surface which made it difficult to take a picture of. It had amazing feathers on its head:

↑ There have been tons of these around my village since spring. It is a swallow.

↑ This bird was singing at the very top of a pine tree one morning in a deer forest. It is a mistle thrush.

↑ This is a reed bunting. It was flying around a heather moor on mountains near my house.

↑ I saw this bird in May on the same moor. It is a wheatear.

↑ I have seen lapwings a lot in fields. In April and May the males do amazing displays to try and attract females.

↑ I have seen a treecreeper before, and this one was in the Pheasant Woods. They eat insects that live in tree bark.

↑ Dad only saw this bird once, in January, in the Secret Lake wood. It is a goldcrest.

↑ This is a pied wagtail, which are quite common. This one was on my drive. I've seen them a few times in cities.

↑ I am proud of seeing this bird and it is the favourite one I've seen this year. This type of bird has a special kind of beak where the tips of the beak cross over. This is so it can get the seeds out of pine cones. It might be a Scottish crossbill but I think the dirty bit on its face makes it a Common Crossbill.
Dad and I were exploring a new roe deer wood which was on a steep hill. At the highest part of the wood we spotted it and Dad managed to get a picture of it before it flew off !
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