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Lots of new birds I've seen this year


Two weekends ago, me and Dad were up early to go and explore a new deer wood. As we were about to leave, we looked out the window at the bird table, and saw this bird !

Because it has a red cap at the front it looks like a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. But because the underside of the tail is red, that mean's it's a Great Spotted Woodpecker. The red cap at the front (rather than the back) is because it's a juvenile.

Here are some more new birds I have seen.

 I saw this duck with some mallards at the lakes at the university. I am pretty sure this is a female goosander but it might be a female red-breasted merganser.

 Dad saw this when we were out for a walk along one of the rivers in my village. It kept twitching its tail and didn't stay still for long. It is a juvenile grey wagtail.

 Mum, dad, my baby brother and me were walking back from the goose lakes a few weeks ago when dad spotted this duck. It kept disappearing below the surface which made it difficult to take a picture of. It had amazing feathers on its head:

 Dad guessed it was a kind of grebe, and when we looked it up we saw it was a great crested grebe.

 There have been tons of these around my village since spring. It is a swallow.

 This bird was singing at the very top of a pine tree one morning in a deer forest. It is a mistle thrush.

This is a reed bunting. It was flying around a heather moor on mountains near my house.

 I saw this bird in May on the same moor. It is a wheatear.

 This one was tricky to identify but I think it is a female whinchat. It was on a fencepost near a stream near Cat Skull Wood.

 I have seen lapwings a lot in fields. In April and May the males do amazing displays to try and attract females.

 I have seen a treecreeper before, and this one was in the Pheasant Woods. They eat insects that live in tree bark.

 Dad only saw this bird once, in January, in the Secret Lake wood. It is a goldcrest.

 This is a pied wagtail, which are quite common. This one was on my drive. I've seen them a few times in cities.

 I am proud of seeing this bird and it is the favourite one I've seen this year. This type of bird has a special kind of beak where the tips of the beak cross over. This is so it can get the seeds out of pine cones. It might be a Scottish crossbill but I think the dirty bit on its face makes it a Common Crossbill.

Dad and I were exploring a new roe deer wood which was on a steep hill. At the highest part of the wood we spotted it and Dad managed to get a picture of it before it flew off !

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